PropertyPro works perfectly on laptops enabling properties to be listed directly and property matching can be done on site enabling effective cross selling and demonstrating how you are going to market the vendors property.
We currently have PropertyPro users whose entire sales team only have laptops. They find that their vendors are impressed with demonstrations of how their property will be viewed by potential buyers and how their properties details will be instantly 'mailed' to waiting customers. They feel that this gives them a definite edge in their market and allows them to gain instructions that may have been lost to the competition.
When any laptop has been out in the field, the agent simply connects to the office server and clicks the icon, automatic synchronisation begins and information from the laptop is updated to the main office and vice versa. This can also take place via a telephone line from the valuer's home.
PropertyPro also interfaces directly with The Mobile Agent making the agent’s job easier and quicker. The property details and floor plans can be captured by using The Mobile Agent and then uploaded directly into PropertyPro.
All of this means that it is possible to complete the instructions and prepare the details, gaining the vendors approval, before you leave the appointment.
"We look forward to seeing what exciting new features have been built in"
Keith Lucas FNAEA - Lucas Estate Agents
"I am delighted to say that PropertyPro has surpassed my original expectations with its functionality."
Clarkes Estates
"The latest version of PropertyPro is absolutely rock solid. It really is bomb proof"
Mike Ingrey - Knight Partnership
6 Somers Road, Rugby
Warwickshire, CV22 7DE
Tel: 08456 444 446
Fax: 01788 862525