Property Pro, The Best Estate Agency Software By Far

Make An Enquiry

To make an enquiry, request an information pack or to arrange a demonstration, please feel free to contact us on 08456 444 446, fill in the contact form or email us at and we'll be happy to schedule a meeting at your earliest convenience.

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What we can do for you

  1. Software
  2. Hardware
  3. Support
  4. Training
  5. Websites
  6. E-Commerce

click here to find out more


comments from our clients

"A marvellous system which I would highly recommend - way above any other systems I have used in the past."
Diane Arkell - The Property Professional

"I am delighted to say that PropertyPro has surpassed my original expectations with its functionality."
Clarkes Estates

"The latest version of PropertyPro is absolutely rock solid. It really is bomb proof"
Mike Ingrey - Knight Partnership


how to get in touch


6 Somers Road, Rugby
Warwickshire, CV22 7DE

Tel: 08456 444 446
Fax: 01788 862525

The Rugby Football Club