
PropertyPro Newsletter XXIV – May 2010

Hello to everybody!

So where did April go? May has arrived and so have the blossoms, and hopefully we will see the sun again. And the good news is that the training room has been treated to a fresh coat of paint and new chairs.

I hope the volcanic dust hasn't clouded anybody's travel plans, but the cold weather has certainly made us think about warmer climes and holidays. It's probably safe to say that we've all heard horror stories of cancellations or those stranded abroad. However there are those for whom the situation reversed - like some friends whose 2-week cruise finished and were told they could not be flown home. They were then told to stay on board as incoming passengers could not be flown in, and they proceeded to enjoy 2 more weeks of cruising! Why do things like that never happen to me? - I'd be amongst those told to stay at home!

Electronic Lifestyle and Property Magazine

By now you would have received Vicky's email announcing our association with Iceberg Digital and the exciting concept of producing your own electronic branded property magazine.

We have had lots of interest in this, and if you haven't already seen the example do take a look at just how impressive this is :

Iceberg Digital Property Magazine

Each month it will only take around half an hour to produce a magazine of this quality, and with no special skills, ready to email out to your customers. If you would like more information then please contact Vicky on 01788 862550.

Partners' Day - 8th June

We have planned another Partners' Day for business owners and senior personnel and trust you have seen the invitation sent out last week. These days have always proved popular so if you are planning to attend, please confirm with Hugh or Vicky on 01788 862550.

Deleting Searches

How many of you have a mailing list that you would like to trim down to current and relevant applicants?

I thought that you may find it useful to see how to 'archive' past applicants and remove them from the mailing list using Customer Search, and perhaps send them the Delete Searches Letter at the same time.

Customer Type - Archive Applicant

First, decide on what customer type you would like to assign to these past applicants.

You may already have a customer type called for example 'Archived Applicant' or maybe 'Past Applicant'. If not a type can be added - please call Support if you are unsure of how to do this.

When deleting searches from a group of customers using Customer Search, PropertyPro can re-assign a new Customer Type automatically - again please ask Support to set this up for you if it hasn't already been done.

Filtering Last Contacted

Next, search and filter all applicants who were last contacted perhaps a year ago - surely you do not want these to be sent property details, and a letter asking if they would like their requirements updated might be more appropriate.

In Customer Search, use the following filters:

Delete Searches from List of Customers

The searches can now be deleted from the resulting list in one action:

Generate the Delete Searches Letter

You can with the same list generate the Delete Searches letter to each customer:

Delete Search(es) Individually

Don't forget you can delete searches individually from a customer record. Simply go to View, View/Delete Search.

More on Outlook

In the last newsletter we went through some optimisation tips for your mailbox and I hope you have found time to clear some space and organise your mail. This time I would like to keep with the same topic and de-mystify archiving mailbox items.

I have to admit it was a long time before I was brave enough to try it and always said no to the automatic archive prompt, but when I saw how it worked and understood what happened to my archived items I was amazed at just how quick and simple a process it is. Your archived items are displayed in Outlook (in replicated folders) for quick and easy access - and the good thing is that they are stored outside of your mailbox!

Mailbox Archiving

When you archive your mailbox, you are prompted to archive items older than a date you specify. The archived items are saved outside of your mailbox, thus freeing up space.

The mailbox folders (Inbox, Sent Items, sub-folders, etc.) are replicated, and the archive folders are displayed beneath your normal folders. This means that archived items can be accessed at any time just like your normal Inbox and Sent Items.

You can also have Outlook archive automatically. Each archive adds to the archive folders – and does not replace existing items. Choose Tools, Options, Other:

And a final note - don't forget to empty Deleted Items. These should only be items that have been placed here because you don't need them, but they are taking up space!

PropertyPro Training

When was the last time you or your colleagues had any refresher training? And how much of what you know has been handed down by others?

Do remember that we run a new user day each month alternating between Admin and Negotiator. If you have a new starter, then please send them along for training. From their viewpoint it eases the pressure of operating a new software program whilst getting used to a new office environment and procedures.

The second session each month is generally on a theme - however, the content is dependent on the needs and questions of those who attend. Over the past months the refresher training has proved very popular. Although the content for the session is suggested, I will also ask whether there is anything in particular anybody would like to cover and also maybe skip because it is not required. This means that the session could cover anything from Newspaper Advertising to Lettings but will always ensure that everyone is up to date with the new version.

The next open training days are as follows:

Wednesday 26th May - Refresher The process as a whole. A look at new and improved features of Version 20.

Wednesday 9th June - New User (Negotiator) Property Search, Mailing properties, Appointments, Offers and Chain

Wednesday 23rd June - Marketing Recording and reporting marketing activities, Marketing History Letter, Customer search - Mass Mailings, Customer Reports. Newspaper Advert.

Don't forget that if a half day session is more convenient for you, please call. Telephone training may also be available for a small charge provided that a suitable remote connection is available

We look forward to a visit from you very soon!

Finally, is there anybody else in your office who might also want to receive our newsletter? If so, please let us have their email address and we will add them to the mailing list.

Kind regards


Kate Hoare (Training Manager)
Direct dial: 01788 862517

PropertyPro • 6 Somers Road • Rugby • Warwickshire • CV22 7DE
Tel 01788 862550 • Fax 01788 862525 • E-mail
Directors H McClean • L M McClean • Company Registration No 3450574