Property Pro, The Best Estate Agency Software By Far


What are PropertyPro like to deal with? How well do they get along with their clients? Will we be pleased with their services?

All these questions and more will hopefully be answered in the testimonials below.

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Clarkes Estates

I write following the installation of PropertyPro at our Bognor Office in November 2010 to tell you of our experience with your product. I am an experienced computer and property software user and know most of the pitfalls which occur with property software - and exactly what is needed from our software to support the smooth operation of our daily business.

I am delighted to say that PropertyPro has surpassed my original expectations with its functionality. The programme is truly vast, and some staff have taken a while to get to grips with it. However, all the staff now agree that the software is easy to use and enhances their productivity. I am especially pleased to note that following our post-install review, you are working on a collection of further enhancements which we at Clarkes Estates will find useful. Thankyou!

I would also like to give praise to your support team who have tirelessly assisted us through the conversion process, showed us how to get what we want out of the software, and solved problems as they occur. I frequently work extended hours - often from home, and your support staff really have helped me solve problems well into the evening.

Based upon my use of the software, the attention of your staff and the intended ongoing developments, I am delighted to provide a whole hearted recommendation of PropertyPro. If you have a potential client who would like a users overview, feel free to pass them my details and I will chat with them.

Clarkes EstatesPaul Clarke MNAEA
Clarkes Estates
Tel: 01243 861344

Ferrino & Partners

I would highly recommend PropertyPro to any other estate agent, whether they are just starting out or well established.

The system is comprehensive and takes care of all our requirements.

We started the business 18 months ago. Before that we did six months of independent research into various software providers, and what we required from them. We chose PropertyPro because it offered the complete package.

The post-installation care has been excellent. There is always someone to take our calls and take not of what we tell them.

We are hoping to expand in the future, which is why we choose a system we knew would cope with the demands of multi branches.

I believe we are getting value for money and I am pleased with the whole package.

Ferrino & PartnersRichard Berry
Managing Director
Ferrino & Partners
Tel: 01594 811111

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Knight Partnership

The latest version of PropertyPro is absolutely rock solid. It really is bomb proof.

We looked into numerous options before deciding to install PropertyPro three years ago. Previously we had used in-house software. PropertyPro took all our data from eight or nine years in business and converted it on to its own package.

It is worlds apart from other software we have come across. It matches mails much more successfully and sends texts. You name it, PropertyPro does it. The laptops link in to the main network at the press of a button they are synchronised.

The initial training, and refresher training, has been fantastic. It is a growing system and we get all the latest updates, and importantly the staff at PropertyPro listen to what you have to say.

The 24/7 support is an added bonus. For the price we paid, I would say it is a very good deal. It is undoubtedly value for money.

Knight PartnershipMike Ingrey
Knight Partnership
Tel: 01780 765060

Robinson Estate Agents

To whom it may concern,

This is just a quick note to say I have just finished an absorbing and educational training day at your offices. I left with a real feeling that I understand the workings of PropertyPro.

Of course the day was made easier with the help and enthusiasm of Trish. She is a wonderful teacher and a good laugh - just what you need on a training day!

Everyone I have dealt with at CSL has been attentive and understands my needs. I have complete confidence in all your staff, you have a good product in PropertyPro but most importantly it is backed up by a knowledgeable team.

Please pass on my thanks to all those who have dealt with me.

Robinson Estate AgentsEdward Robinson
Robinson Estate Agents
Tel: 01628 637600

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Jackson Green & Preston

After thoroughly researching the market and looking at the main competitors, we came to the conclusion that CSL with PropertyPro, offered the best software for our Estate Agency business.

After installing PropertyPro earlier this year, both our offices are fully computerised with regular data transfer taking place between the two offices.

The flexibility and scope of the software appears almost limitless. It is very user friendly and the ease in which details can be e-mailed is particularly useful.

We have found CSL to be a friendly and responsive company with an excellent product.

Jackson Green & PrestonJohn Hood
Jackson Green & Preston
Tel: 01472 311113

Diane Arkell

To whom it may concern,

Re: CSL and PropertyPro

After working in High Street Estate Agency branches for seven years, I decided to set up my own business in November of 2002 as I was convinced that a "personal" approach was desperately needed in the industry.

With today's technology I made the decision to operate all alone from a back office, so obviously needed the support of a 100% reliable and efficient Estate Agency software package.

Several companies were contacted, but from the first phone call, CSL stood out as a company who fully understood my requirements and were there to help.

Following many telephone calls where the staff always remained patient and helpful, PropertyPro was selected. I have never looked back - I have the back up I need from my computer system and its technical support team - always willing to listen and assist.

After six months I now have a thriving business which I am still able to manage all alone, thanks in part to a system which is quick and easy to operate in every aspect from typing up the details, to upload to the web, to searching for suitable applicants, to logging progress and on to the sales letters and subsequently the invoices.

A marvellous system which I would highly recommend - way above any other systems I have used in the past.

Diane ArkellDiane Arkell
The Property Professional
Haywards Heath
Tel: 01444 457626

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David Andrews Homes

Being a new start company with limited computer knowledge, we found the level of support to be invaluable.

David Andrews HomesDavid Gaster
David Andrews Homes
Tel: 0161 860 6350

Star Computers

To whom it may concern,

When we decided to update our existing web site, which generated a lot of traffic but produced little in the way of sales, we were glad we spoke to PropertyPro. They listened hard in order to understand our business and what we wanted from an e-commerce site.

The end result was an excellent and well thought out, professional web site. The new site is easy for our customers to navigate around and to order from. Updating products and prices could not be simpler, and we are able to interrogate the site to constantly analyse our business and performance.

As our web site goals have become clearer, and we have wanted to fine-tune certain aspects of handling our site, PropertyPro have made alterations quickly, helping us continue to offer our customers the quality of service they have come to expect.

PropertyPro say, "building a web site is one thing, but building a site that generates business is another." We agree with them.

We are happy to be associated with PropertyPro and would happily recommend them to anyone looking for a well-designed, easy to manage web site.

Star ComputersJay Parmar
Managing Director
Star Computer Services (UK) Ltd
Tel: 01788 551522

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Lucas Estate Agents

To whom it may concern,

We have been using PropertyPro since June 1998. Since then we have watched the system develop and grow into the powerful management and selling tool that it now is. We are proud that a number of changes and enhancements that have been included in new releases have been in direct response to requests and discussions between Lucas Estate Agents and Comprehensive Solutions Ltd. It is pleasing that many of the discussions and meetings have been at your instigation and not just coming from us. It has been helpful to our business to take advantage of improvements provided within PropertyPro at the request of other estate agency users.

In recent months we have e-mailed details from PropertyPro in response to individual requests and as an automatic mail out of properties as they come onto the market. The response has been tremendous. Mrs B replied after receiving her first e-mailed details from us, "you were right, the format of your property details is much better than the other rubbish I have been sent through". Customers in general are very pleased and frequently amazed that we can send full details with multiple colour pictures while we are actually talking to them. It is not unusual to e-mail new instructions out during the day and to arrange the viewing for the same evening.

As well as gaining a competitive advantage by being able to respond instantly to requests for details, the e-mailing out to matched buyers as soon as a property becomes available, the price is changed or needs to be re-offered, means we are saving a great deal of money on printed literature.

We look forward to working with the new release of PropertyPro and seeing what exciting new features have been built in this time around.

Lucas Estate AgentsKeith Lucas FNAEA
Lucas Estate Agents
Tel: 01536 312600

Gregory Residential Limited

To whom it may concern,

The above property came onto the market mid December 2000. The vendors were abroad for the Christmas & New Year holiday, so the For Sale board was not erected. The Property appeared in the Leicester Mercury once before Christmas, but was published to our web site via PropertyPro. Over the Christmas period our offices were only open for two days for reduced hours.

The eventual purchasers of the property became aware of its availability via our web site and printed off the full property details at home. They then contacted our office on the Thursday before New Year to arrange a viewing on the 2nd of January. Following this they made an offer of the full asking price.

Gregory Residential LimitedKevin Gregory
Gregory Residential Limited
Tel: 0116 278 9624


What we can do for you

  1. Software
  2. Hardware
  3. Support
  4. Training
  5. Websites
  6. E-Commerce

click here to find out more


comments from our clients

"I am delighted to say that PropertyPro has surpassed my original expectations with its functionality."
Clarkes Estates

"I have complete confidence in all your staff, you have a good product in PropertyPro"
Edward Robinson - Robinson Estate Agents


how to get in touch


6 Somers Road, Rugby
Warwickshire, CV22 7DE

Tel: 08456 444 446
Fax: 01788 862525

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